

The Meta Question

As a teacher, I think a lot about questions and getting students to participate in class by asking questions. I call the infamous phrase “Do you have any questions?” the meta-question.

Meeting for Learning

Early thoughts from Parker Palmer about Quaker education.

Pedagogy Group Reflection: Reading and Writing in the Disciplines

I’m participating a Pedagogy Group organized by the Center for Teaching and Learning.

The Prompts

  1. Why do we ask students to write in our classes?
  2. What are the challenges for us in delivering writing assignments in the age of AI?

Reading and writing are the first technologies of any technological society. They are the base and foundation on which everything else is built. Compare the ~300,000 years of human history before the invention of writing with the more recent ~6000 years of documented history. Culture has evolved considerably since the invention of writing. We ask our students to write so that they can come to wield the most powerful meta-tool humanity has ever created.

Weekly Checklist

This is a checklist of things that I need to do on a weekly basis for work. It was inspired by Atul Gawande’s The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right.

Course Preparation To-Do List

A list of things to prepare for a generic course.

Video Recording Lectures

Recordings are great, until they are not.

MathEd Forum September 2024

Notes from MathEd Forum: Lauren DeDieu (Margaret Sinclair Award)

Writing Ritual

A bit about my writing ritual.

Mathematical Experiences

Creating a repertoire of mathematical experiences for sharing with others.

Probationary Review Dossier

Thoughts on how to prepare a probationary review dossier as a teaching stream faculty at UTSC.

What to Do If You Think I Might Be Dead

What to do if you think I might be dead, who to contact, and some thoughts about why that matters.

docfill: An Inverse of docstrip

Thoughts about how to undo the effect of docstrip.

PTR Document Management

At the University of Toronto, we receive annual merit-based pay raises through a process called “Progress Through the Ranks”. This note is to intended to describe a setup for keeping track of information and documents relevant to PTR. For an overview of the process, see the Academic Administrative Procedures Manual. At the end of each year, your department will send you a batch of forms to fill out which will then be used by a committee to assess your performance. These forms are:

Course Evaluation Data Formatting

How to get your course evaluation data and format it in $\LaTeX$.

Student Websites

If you’re a student doing things, please make a website.

Advice for New Teachers

Things I wish that I’d known when I started teaching.

Math Opportunities Around UToronto has tonnes of undergraduate research experience opportunities, but primarily focussed on the US. If you’re interested in mathematics, and based in Toronto or Canada, then there are a number of opportunities worth investigating.


Thanks for reading! If you have any comments or questions about the content, please let me know. Anyone can contact me by email.