This page describes what I’m up to now.
It is a written version of
what I would say that I am doing if
we met and you asked me what I am up.
This page was inspired by Derek Siver’s now page movement.
It is accurate as of October 2024.
There are older photos that used to be on this page.
Right now, I’m teaching, learning, parenting, and playing.
- Teaching
- I’m currently teaching the following courses:
- MAT A29: Calculus I for Life Sciences
- MAT B41: Techniques in Multivariable Calculus I
- Learning
- I am reading various things.
- Esperanto: working my way through the prose section of La Baza Legolisto.
- A little bit of the Bible.
- I am writing up the projects that I worked on during sabbatical.
- Parenting
- Mabel, our younger daughter, is doing well.
- She is walking and running confidently.
- She is just about to start talking.
- Mira, our oldest daughter, is doing well.
- She is enjoying junior kindergarten at Joseph Brant Public School.
- Playing
- My current hobby is loop-braiding.
- I am growing african violets in my office.
- I am finally getting the hang of five ball juggling.
- I am indexing old volumes of my journal.
Published: Dec 4, 2023 @ 11:14.
Last Modified: Oct 22, 2024 @ 22:48.
Thanks for reading!
If you have any comments or questions about the content, please let me know.
Anyone can contact me by email.