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Latex Paper Edit Mode

This is a quick hack to make editing manuscripts prepared in $\LaTeX$ much easier: Add line spacing and line numbering.

I write a lot of things in $\LaTeX$. And yet, I like to revise and review manuscripts offline with a pen, paper, and some coffee. Adding line numbers and huge gaps between lines makes revising a manuscript much more pleasant. Have a look at these two examples. Which one would you rather edit?

Lorem Ipsum without Spacing or Numbering

Lorem Ipsum with Spacing AND Numbering

To add line numbers, use the package lineno.

 \usepackage{lineno} %% for number lines in edit mode

To add a huge amount of space between lines, adjust \linespread like this.


Here are some minimal working examples of this setup. The latter uses docstrip, my favourite $\LaTeX$ hack. It adds two guards line-number and triple-space which toggle these features. If you enable the guard paper-edit then it will toggle both features on.

 \usepackage{lipsum} % for Lorem Ipsum copy
 \usepackage{lineno} %% for number lines in edit mode
 \usepackage{lipsum} % for Lorem Ipsum copy
 \usepackage{lineno} %% for number lines in edit mode


I cannot believe how long I suffered scribbling in the margins of documents. It was only when I read A Handbook for Scholars by Mary-Claire van Leunen, that the light dawned. The whole book is full of witty moments but here is the one from The Medium of Composition which inspired this post.

A tightly spaced page compared with a loosely spaced page


Published: Jun 14, 2024

Last Modified: Jun 26, 2024


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