
Week Notes 4: TK

This post is 4 of 4 in the series week notes.


I’m really enjoying the rhythm of writing week notes. It is nice to have a spot to dump any little ideas that come up through out the week. I think that it is reducing the friction associated with posting stuff here as I already have a designated place to put stuff. I implemented a bash alias hugo-week-notes that pulls up the current week notes in vim so opening up and editing the notes is quick.

A colleague told me that he was headed to a celebration of people who go to the gym a lot. He is consistently in the +300 days per year group. (One cannot log multiple visits per day.) Anyway, he pointed out that if you do something eight times a week, then you’ll do it over four hundred times a year. These kinds of calculations fascinate me. I had previously liked a more temporal riff on this theme: if you do something twenty minutes a day for a year, then you’ll do it over a hundred hours.







Published: Feb 28, 2025 @ 10:00.



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