I continue to enjoy reading War and Peace.
“Not Bonaparte. He is the Emperor! Sacré nom…!” cried he angrily.
“The devil skin your Emperor.”
And Dólokhov swore at him in coarse soldier’s Russian and shouldering his musket walked away.
“Let us go, Iván Lukích,” he said to the captain.
“Ah, that’s the way to talk French,” said the picket soldiers. “Now, Sídorov, you have a try!”
Sídorov, turning to the French, winked, and began to jabber meaningless sounds very fast: “Kari, mala, tafa, safi, muter, Kaská,” he said, trying to give an expressive intonation to his voice.
“Ho! ho! ho! Ha! ha! ha! ha! Ouh! ouh!” came peals of such healthy and good-humored laughter from the soldiers that it infected the French involuntarily, so much so that the only thing left to do seemed to be to unload the muskets, explode the ammunition, and all return home as quickly as possible.
But the guns remained loaded, the loopholes in blockhouses and entrenchments looked out just as menacingly, and the unlimbered cannon confronted one another as before.
I actually finished The Five Worlds series of graphic novels.
ROT13 Spoiler: V unq vzntvarq gung gurl jrer tbvat gb srrq Fgna Zbba gb gur frn zbff. Gurl’q yvtug gur ynfg ornpba, naq cbc uvz va gb gur bprna fbzrubj. V gbgnyyl qvqa’g rkcrpg Bban Yrr gb orpbzr Fha Qbznav, npxabjyrqtr gur varivgnovyvgl bs fhssrevat, naq znxr gur Zvzvp va gb n gval funqbj. Vg nyy sryg nznmvatyl cebsbhaq.
Last week, I grabbed a copy of Sharing Nature with Children from the library. It’s an old quirky book packed full of cool ideas. I’m pleasantly surprised to see that the author is still active and has a global movement: Sharing Nature.
Currently writing up the heart group stuff.
I submitted a pitch to The Canadian Friend.
Wrote a brief response about anti-racist pedagogy for my Pedagogical Reading Group.
Lots of letters to penpals. I collected up everyone’s addresses in a little Fields Notes booklet.
Published: Feb 21, 2025 @ 10:38.
Last Modified: Feb 22, 2025 @ 15:18.
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