The Coolest Book Shelf in the World

Above the desk in my office is a little bookshelf.
I try to keep it stocked with interesting things from the library.
It is nice to be able to say: “These are the coolest books I could think of, and I can look at them right now.”
A couple of the titles on the shelf right now are:
- Exercises in algebra : a collection of exercises in algebra, linear algebra and geometry / edited by Alexei I. Kostrikin ; translated by V.A. Artamonov.
- Linear algebra problem book by Paul R. Halmos.
- Sling braiding of the Andes by Cahlander, Adele
- Children’s games in street and playground. Chasing, catching, seeking, hunting, racing, duelling, exerting, daring, guessing, acting, pretending; by Iona and Peter Opie.
- Magic tricks, card shuffling and dynamic computer memories by S. Brent Morris.
Published: Dec 11, 2024 @ 13:33.
Last Modified: Dec 21, 2024 @ 22:15.
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