Late last year, I had to the idea that my new year’s intention would be around “reading, writing, moving, and playing”. I kept to it for about a week and then the new semester hit and blew up my ability to do anything. After some reflection, I realized that I needed some mechanism to keep me focussing on these intentions. So, here’s a little bit of a post about my week as viewed through the lense of that intention.
One belongs to their Meeting and the Meeting belongs to its members. After about a decade of involvement with my Meeting, I find that I have many specific memories of ministry which I carry as a steward. Just last week, I was passing on advice that Kathleen Hertzberg gave me when she was over a hundred. In this sense, as a vessel or a conduit, I belong to the Meeting. Coming at it the other way, my family has been involved in establishing a Community Night and later a Children's Meeting. We've actively changed the Meeting to suit our needs. And so, the Meeting belongs to its members. There is an inseparable link between members and their Meeting. The Meeting and its members are, mutually, a means of Spirit moving in the world.
Published: Feb 14, 2025 @ 10:38.
Last Modified: Feb 19, 2025 @ 22:35.
Thanks for reading! If you have any comments or questions about the content, please let me know. Anyone can contact me by email.