Recently, I watched a Joel Snape video about managing lots of interests. One idea that he mentioned is “life multipliers” or things which benefit you in multiple ways simultaneously. He said that the biggest life multiplier is exercise. John Walker of Fourmilab makes a nice numerical argument that you ought to exercise in order to gain life time.
All of this has me reading about exercise again. I like to look at The problem that site is that I usually wind up with a hundred or so tabs open. It’s a tabs multiplier.
So, this is my lunk dump after reading it today.
At the start of this rabbit-hole, I went looking for “the simplest evidence-based exercise plan” that I could find. I think that this ACSM infographic might be the ticket. It seems like they would have good reasons for making these recommendations, and all the suggestions are quite direct. Here is the actionable information extracted out of that infographic.
Published: Nov 9, 2024 @ 20:21.
Last Modified: Nov 10, 2024 @ 16:36.
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